I want to be selfish for once. This space is about me. I can talk and think, uninterrupted. Might be of relevance... or maybe not.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Press Release - Courage Acceptance Speech -- May Chidiac

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I still remember every single detail of the explosion that almost killed me: the sound of the blast, the heat of the smoke, the taste of blood in my mouth. On this particular day, some cold-blooded criminals decided to eliminate me, but I survived, and it is not a secret anymore that my survival was a miracle.

"I will drink from your blood.”

Those words that I will never forget were said by a Syrian officer.

One year after the agression, I am more convinced that the agressors wanted to eliminate me, for I have spoken my mind, for I believed in a free democratic Lebanon, for I never asked myself, as President Kennedy once said, what my country can do for me but what I can do for my country, and I did much.

Yes, I lost my left hand. Yes , I lost my left leg. I have burns. I lived nine month in hospitals. I had 26 surgeries.

Moreover, I gave my country a hand to fight with, and a leg to kick all the enemies with, and they are not few.

The worst is that I can assure you that even now I am still threatened, but I kept on doing my job with no fear, ready for any danger I might face.

La suite is here


Blogger Paul said...

You see my friend, it is not about money or compensation. It is not about the west helping us. But Israel has repeatedly, over the years, violated Lebanon. And the recent war, was extremely violent. 1200 deaths in 30 days is a lot of death.
Unfortunately, we, lebanese are stuck. Because we have hizballa, and this gives Israel the perfect alibi to do whatever it wants. Which still does not make it right though. I don't know what the solution to this problem is. It might be disarming Hizballa, not because of Israel, but because we, Lebanese, don't want to suffer or die anymore. We want to be able to work, live and enjoy life. And I am sure you feel the same way.
Hopefully, one day, we will all be able to co-exist without the need to kill, or get killed.

1:37 PM


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