Anthony Bourdain in Beirut
I was hoping to watch something funny, something that will make me think less, feel less, and make me forget where I am and who I am.
Instead, I got Anthony Bourdain describing his few days in Beirut during the last war (I hope this will be our last war...)
"We went to Beirut to film a TV show about the city's newly vibrant culinary and cultural scene. Then the bombs started falling, and we could only stand on the barricades of our hotel balcony and watch it all disappear -- again".
i saw it on the travel channel in the gym 2 months ago
it upset me that for once there was an opportunity to show lebanon in a different light and it was a total flop!
10:49 PM
But lebanon, post this war, is not the same anymore.
It upset me because it made me realize how much we have lost since June.
all the hopes, expectations and dreams are gone.
look at lebanon, now. it is pathetic. and it's so sad. it's like a part of me dies every day...
11:05 PM
my aunt said she can't find her favourite cheese anymore and that you can find 'XS' clothes all over the place
it's sad
11:29 PM
that i'm eating half the nutella jar
11:32 PM
i apologise for this interference in your "sphere" but how can you say things are different,hope are destroyed, blblabla and neither of you has been back(correct me if i am wrong) since the war..have you spoken to the real people, ahl el balad??do you know if their hope are destroyed or just starting..on the other seems to be as popular as ever ya shabeb :)
3:21 PM
No, I have not been back.
I have not been back because there are no job opportunities.
I have not been back, because I have talked to more people who have actually left the country.
I don't know where you see hope when there is more sectarian tension than ever, when war can start at anytime and we dont have control over it.
I dont have hope when there were 3 bombs over the last 10 days, one hitting downtown, which is presumably one of the safest, if not the safest area in lebanon.
I have not been back because instead of fighting to save lebanon, they are fighting to control lebanon.
Have I talked to the people, ahl el balad? Well I consider my parents who have survived the wars since 1975 and the few friends who are still back home, ahl el balad. And believe me, they are disgusted.
PS: you are not interfering with my sphere, the whole point of the blog is to share and discuss.
4:20 PM
Rouba: so which half are you eating?!
7:09 PM
the one with lots and lots of chocolate!
no i've not been back but i meant what i said abt my aunt, she has always said that lebanon will never change, until now, and she's feeling it
there's so many times you can pick yourself up and go on unchanged
7:18 PM
ok i wanted to comment on the post, bass i've totally missed the party havent i??
incidentally, i'm also devouring my last jar of nutella (i usually keep one as back-up stashed somewhere for extreme emergencies- every day nowadays)
7:55 PM
I do too... I love Nutella!
hear hear paul! ppl are not hopeful in lebanon. pas en toute.
I am going back for the christmas hollidays, and I really dread what I am going to see, and feel.
9:54 PM
_z: I might be going back on christmas as well, I can't wait, literally.
As far as the nutella is concerned, I am drooling now:)
11:18 PM
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