and I look around, but i can't recognize the faces.
and I turn around and want to hide my traces.
and I want to run, and never come back.
and I lost track... of days and friends.
and it is all black.
outside and inside.
and it rains.
and I wonder.
and then I wander.
imm..i didnt get the title
1:06 PM
Are you saying that you did not, i repeat did not, recognize Chadi?!Just kidding.
I was listening to Fairuz. I love this song (chadi), her childhood friend who disappeared during the war. She says that they all grew up, except for him. in her mind, he is still a child playing up on a hill.
2:00 PM
wlik eh i realized it might be the song, but then the text didnt
but thanks for the detailed description, greatly appreciated :)
6:31 PM
da3it laila! :P
great song. I like it too.
10:21 PM
so i guess you have never heard of dissociation of ideas! or spilt personality! sorry for the misunderstanding, but the title had nothing to do with the text. blame it on me!
1:40 AM
hey paul,
This is Rouba's friend from St. Louis, I hope this is you, I think it is.
Just wanted to say that it was fun meeting you guys. We had a smokin'good time:)
Hope it doesn't snow on you too hard up there.
2:23 PM
yo Sally,thanks for dropping by!and yeah it was a fun weekend:)
well it started raining, to say the least, grrr.
2:33 PM
We want to come to the crazy party you guys are having in Nov., don't forget to let us know, cya!!!
p.s. We thought you were really cool and easy to get along with, the girls should be lining up to get witcha'.
Take Care
3:40 PM
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