I want to be selfish for once. This space is about me. I can talk and think, uninterrupted. Might be of relevance... or maybe not.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Les femmes, c'est comme les poupees russes.

Xavier est de retour. Et il a peut etre raison.
On passe sa vie a chercher la femme ideale. Et quand on la trouve, on se demande si c'est sa l'amour. Avec un grand A. Et au fait, c'est quoi l'amour?est-ce ce qu'on lit dans les bouquins ou qu'on voit dans les films?
Les femmes, c'est comme les poupees russes. On entasse l'une apres l'autre en se demandant si c'est elle la derniere...et on ne saura jamais.

Captain, you were right. It was a great movie!


Blogger _z. said...

I like your description for the movie. I'll watch it!

12:34 AM

Blogger rouba said...

si, tu sauras qd tu sauras..

1:28 AM

Blogger Paul said...

So _z, this is a sequel to "L'auberge espagnole", but you dont need to watch it first. L'auberge was more about Xavier trying to find himself and where he wants to go with his life, this movie is about finding the right girl. Some scenes were hillarious!Enjoy it, with some white wine!

9:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

am so glad u got to watch that movie. i saw it twice. man akho manyuke. even bought the sound track. tis also good & chilled out. need to mail ya soon.

9:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It`s really interesting to reed. But all thk about other. Why so?

6:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rather interesting to reed. Thx u . U make me happy

5:04 AM


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