Les retrouvailles, avec Yann.

Amelie poulain, en tant que film, te fait vivre dans un reve.
Un reve ou tout le monde est beau, le ciel est bleu, et des gens comme Amelie font tout pour que les gens soient heureux.
5 ans apres avoir vu ce film pour la premiere fois, et grace a la musique, je n'arrive toujours pas a oublier certaines scenes. Yann, un expert en ce qu'on appelle "film score" a reussi a capturer toutes les emotions du film en musique. En ecoutant aujourd'hui la band originale du film, j'arrive a visualiser Amelie courant avec un grand sourire sur son visage.
Et ca ne s'arrete pas la. La musique de Goodbye lenin est beaucoup mieux que ca. Les differents tons du film; l'amour, la joie et la tristesse sont transformes en notes de piano. Juste un piano. Et c'est un vrain succes
Les retrouvailles, son dernier album ne decoit pas. Au fait, en l'ecoutant, tu te sens dans un film. Un film a la Hollywood ou on est tous epanouis et radieux.
Tu peux l'appeller de la "cheap thrill" mais ca marche; mieux qu'autres choses.
ca marche; pour mois au moins (et c'est suffisant).
Merci Yann.
Paul, I totally agree. I too have a faible for Yann, Amelie, and the soundtrack. At work it plays regularly at least once a day.
however, I got a very sad vibe from Amelie Poulain. You said "where everybody is happy", but I actually see the opposite... everybody is sad. but our divergence is interesting. I guess we all see what we want to see, since as you put it, the movie makes you dream
good post.
8:58 PM
I don't know how to descibe it _Z., but it depends on your mood when you are watching the movie. For me, once it left with a good vibe, and once it just made me feel devastated. Same thing happened when I was watching L'auberge espagnole. The first time I was done watching it, I felt like SHIT, literally. I hated how the world was described, how everybody was able to find him/herself. and i felt lost. The second time i watched it, i don't know, but I looked at the bright side. Makes sense? maybe?
11:00 PM
what i loved in Amelie and in Goodbye Lenin was this attention to everyday detail, details that affect us so much and yet are so little that one easily ignores them. combined with, as u described so well, P, a magnificent musical score.
(Goodbye Lenin is one of my favourites)
apporte l'album avec toi, et aussi l'autre, eh the Placebo one that was always in your car :)
1:09 AM
What about the soundtracks for Kusturica's movies? Chat noir, chat blanc? Underground?
Do you like them too?
1:41 PM
Well the music on Kustu's Underground and chat noir, chat blanc are quite different. Which is no surprise because the producers are different. I personally really enjoyed what Bregovic did on underground, it was GREAT.It makes you want to drink, dance and party. And this was my only exposure to balkan gipsy music (which will probably stop there!). for chat noir, chat blanc it was a different band, which in fact included Kutsu (on bass i think). I personally did not like it much (but then again, who am I!).
11:26 PM
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