Ignorance is NOT bliss
According to a recent CNN poll, more than 50% of the US population think that Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the 9/11 attacks.
Doesn't that leave you speechless? I mean, after all that has happened, shouldn't people be reading more and be more politically aware of what is happening around the world? But then again, maybe following up on Tom Cruise's kid and J Lo's love life are more important.
This is PURE IGNORANCE, to say the least.
It leaves me speechless. What a grim future for this world.
this is sadly hilarious!
11:55 PM
This is where we come in Paul!
5:22 PM
yes it's disgusting... Oh, but did you hear about Jessica Simpson's latest weight lost drama? BS news in the forefront allah wakeelak.
11:11 PM
This is where we come in Paul! 5:22 PM
11:03 AM
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