GeaGea for president

Yes. Geagea for president.
Nayla Mouawad is too sweet.
Boutros Harb is too diplomatic. "Yes, we want the best relations with Syria but they should respect our independence". Let's cut the crap, they don't even aknowledge our existence. they have been killing us like instects, every day, for the past 30 years. No, we don't want the best relations with them. Let's stop polishing and bullshiting.
We need someone who can stand up for us. Someone who has balls.
Ryad Salemeh is too much of a gentleman. He cannot face "people" like Berri. They will eat him alive.
Nassib Lahoud is not charismatic or strong enough. He should work on his tone.
We need someone like Geagea who can tell Nasralla. We DON'T AGREE WITH WHAT YOU ARE DOING, AND WE ARE GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. He belongs to the same category of people like Berri, Joumblat or Nasralla.
Please, don't tell me we need to move on. Look around, nobody did. Why should we?
totally agree for geagea
(nb: it s ryad salemeh and not michel salemeh)
4:54 PM
thanks ano. Michel is a la mode nowadays.
Between Michel aoun and Michel sleiman, I am getting confused.
10:50 PM
man deep down i would tend 2 agree w u, esp if our first lady will b sitrida...mish ghalat abadan. bas inno shway t2eeleh, men el 7abess lal ree2eseh. in the nxt round i would root 4 him side by side. bas i definitely agree that riyadh is not fit 4 the job, besides him being rather corrupt (let's not 4get bank al-medina and how he's keeping a lid on things + him being the financial whizkid for the assad family and his continual visits there to "consult" them on liberating their banking sector). add to it that michel sleiman seems to have struck a deal w sister syria regarding chicco, in addition to that he's a military dude being assigned to a political role, so he has no political experience whatsoever, living examples being aoun and lahoud. if aoun gets sworn in, then all sorts of tranquilizers anti-depressants will become transcription free drugs, i assure u... they will b as easily accesible as panadol... bas it seems someone alongthe lines of jean obeid and charles rizk are being lined up, if u aks me. i dunno, but i would rather someone from march 8 camp than an impotent neutral who will kiss arse just to get to baabda and then quietly settle in as if getting to the presidency is the end goal in itself.
9:01 AM
9:37 AM
and deep down.."those people" are also lebanese..sorry to say they will not be wished away to the sea (or iran) but you are gina have to live with them if youdecide to go back..and therefore talk to them...ja3ja3 did help the syrians with some killing of his own..quite a bit in fact (what a man!your president)....his copartisan (later to become enemy!oh what an irony) killed cold bloddedly unarmed humans, evicerated quite a few pregnant women (were they preganant?oh who cares..they were just flies).. back then palestinians were also known as "those people" too..what if your future president left his balls in roumieh or wizart el dife3 or wherever the hell they holed him..
sometimes i think whether i am so so disillusioned with us lebanese being able to live without fanaticism....Facism for presidency..and Yes to sectarianism..and Yes to savage capitalism..all in the name of protecting lebnen (el salem 3a ismo!) what if we would be better off not protecting it!!!!
10:27 PM
Ninawa (or Pat?, I am getting confused here!), again we go back to an ideal situation and what we have now. Needless to say, Lebanon (and the whole wide world) would be better if all the ex war lords are not in charge. but guess what, this is not going to happen anywhere soon (although they are getting older and older and one day, if not killed, they will die from natural causes). Until we have our Dalai Lama, Al gore, or Mother Theresa, we will have to play along with whoever is there. and yes Geagea is no saint, and yes, Jumblat is no saint and yes Berri and aoun are...Omar Karami, Wahab, Frenjyeh....No comment. well let's stop there.
But those March 14 people did stick to each other in many instances (which is very encouraging).
As far as "those people", they are lebanese, but I DON'T have to like them. No population is homogeneous. the problem is not them, the problem is their leaders.
2:05 PM
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