I want to be selfish for once. This space is about me. I can talk and think, uninterrupted. Might be of relevance... or maybe not.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

1 objective

We should not forget what our objectives are.

As much as finding out who killed the 14+politicians/journalists & 40+innocent civilians is important. No wait, let me rephrase that. As much as proving that the Syrians are behind most of the murders over the last 30 years, there is something bigger than the international tribune. It is called Lebanon.

Although the international tribune remains an objective we would like to achieve, there is something more urgent that needs to be taken care of. It is a threat to the freedom, independence and democracy of Lebanon. It is parasite, a blood sucker. It is called Hizballa.

While people are debating whether the best formula is 20-10 or 19-10-1 or whatever combination you like, this "party of god" (God please help his god) is piling up weapons. and don't be surprised if Israel decides to strike again, destroy again and kill again. What we can do to prevent that is to disarm Hizballa and send Nasralla to Iran, or maybe Syria (although I am sure el Assad would not welcome him).

They are manipulating us like pieces of chess. We are lost in a bottomless abyss.
We need to wake up and re-focus.
We should look at the bigger picture.
They are the real threat.
They are gaining time and time is not on our side.


Blogger Tilda said...

I am totally with you.. we wouldn't have any other problem to start with if it wasn't for Hizballah! we need to start from the source... but how?

2:58 PM

Blogger Paul said...

They need to disarm, period.
The options are:
1) Nasralla wakes up and decides to salvage whatever is left from the country. Over the last few years, he was very clever in always finding excuses not to do so. It can be Shabaa farms, Golan heights, Palestinian conflict or even the existence of the state of Israel. Basically, it is very unlikely that they do it themselves.
2) Even if they decide to, Syria and Iran who have baby-sitted them for many years, would not allow it to happen.

So basically someone has to do it for them. or actually, for us.
- UNIFL? That would be the ideal situation. But UN would not drag itself into such a conflict.

Then maybe we have to do it ourselves. with all the enormous consequences this entails.

If you have better thoughts, please let me know.

11:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you call hizbolla parasites, others calls them leaders. While they are arming themselves, others are too. While there is a big chess game being played, the chess pieces are thrown at the end. While time is running out, another time is coming, another as is just different.

5:42 PM

Blogger Paul said...

I also call Nasralla a leader:
1) in destruction and spreading the culture of war and religious extremism
2) taking unilateral decisions without consulting other fellow Lebanese
3) pretending hizballa is secular when their whole social-political-economic system is based on federalism. They are liars, because they say they are against sectarianism while this is what they have done and preached for, every day, for the past 20 years.

As far as arming is concerned, it is unfortunate that other Lebanese are doing the same, because we all know how this will end up. a bloodshed. But it is obvious, and Nasralla said it already, they are NOT DISARMING, INSTEAD THEY ARE RE-ARMING. Is this the lesson history has taught us?re-arm? now? hasn't there been enough death and destruction? economic stagnation? no jobs? immigration? brain drain? and you want more wars?should i go on?

They are all chess pieces, each and everyone of them, whether it is march 8 or march 14. that is unfortunate. but I would rather have the west rule me, instead of a creature like Ahmadenajad or Assad. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS.

8:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that it is inevitable that the army will eventually clash w hizbullah.look into history. he is treading the same steps as abu ammar (nasrallah). if he doesn't take a major u-turn somewhere, chaos is bound to come sooner than later.the qs is, who are the main benefactors from more choas and bloodshed this time? and r the people who benefit the ones who coordinate w mr khamini?? we can all fill in the blanks as we see fit...

5:31 AM

Blogger _z. said...

akh ya allah... w mech allah taba3 el hezb! this will never happen paul. I just realized that.
and yes get ready for another war with israel this summer. Especially of the US decides to strike Iran.

ana chtaraytelloun la ahleh kyess ramel.

7:11 AM

Blogger Paul said...

Meeps, you have better things to do. This is great news, I wish I can be there my friend (and I will, but not physically).


_Z, although not intended, bass kyess ramel joke was funny, in a way (although it is actually sad).

7:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i apologize for not reading all the comments, have to clean my apt. I was struck however by how easily you dismiss the attribute of "lebanese citizen" from nasrallah and hizballah members by asking them to go (back?) to Iran while at the same time you expect him to protect and safeguard (your?)lebanon. a lot of room for discussion,maybe some other time..too bad we missed each other again

8:41 PM

Blogger Paul said...

Patricia, blame it on the weather...soon inshalla.
correct if I am wrong, but hizballa never consulted other Lebanese on any of their steps. And do not blame it on the government. I think it is a lame excuse. If him and Berri decided to isolate their followers and have their own infrastructure, it is not my problem, that was their intention. Their support to Syria and Iran is a fact. How many times did Nasralla thank Assad or Ahmadenajad? Didn't he always have a syrian or iranin flag next to his? Nasralla said many many times in the past that his struggle is bigger, and goes beyond Lebanon. In fact, he never talked about internal affairs until last year. They were never really involved in internal Lebanese politics. At a time when we are trying to minimize the damage, they have increased their arsenal and maintained support to Syria and Iran. I might be dumb, but after all that the Syrian government has done to us, how can we support them? yes, this is almost like not being Lebanese (or even being against something called Lebanon).

10:59 PM

Blogger BeeBux said...

Dear Paul,
Well hi, I can't debate much on the issue as I banned politics out of my dictionary. All I can say is that the Lebanese Dream is still inside of me and no matter what we'll be back home soon !

Glad to stumble upon your Blog and thanks for your sweet comments on my site. Love ya


5:51 AM

Blogger Paul said...

Beeb, a nice surprise indeed.
I hope things are well on the other side of the Atlantic.
Some things never die, and what we believe in and strive for, shall not.
Hooba Hooba,re-unite!

2:02 PM

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