I want to be selfish for once. This space is about me. I can talk and think, uninterrupted. Might be of relevance... or maybe not.

Monday, January 08, 2007


She sits and wonders. about life, when life should be fun and simple.

She shrug her shoulders, as she walked away. aimlessly.
She nodded, she agreed. not to people, but to herself and to her misery.
She smiled. not because of happiness but to feel she belongs. where she never did.
and she lies to herself, and to others.
She took a deep breath. a sigh to keep her tears away.

She talked, but no one would listen.and who would or should?
Silence but she could hear, her own footsteps. and voices, in her head.
She wrestled with her thoughts and illusions to get herself to bed.

..but life should be fun and simple.

and she realizes that every day that passes away, like that, is a lost day.
and she cannot tolerate more losses.

and she thinks tomorrow will be a brighter day. but she can't see.

She is Jeremy, and she likes Pearl Jam.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

are there girl jeremies?

12:12 AM

Blogger Laila K said...

i like

8:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am jeremy

8:58 AM

Blogger Paul said...

Ano:I don't think so, but that was not the point.

5:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what was the point?
an obvious question with a not so obvious answer...
well at least not for me.

9:40 AM

Blogger Paul said...

Jeremy is a pearl jam song, taken from Ten (1991), track #6. Jeremy can be a boy or a girl, it is just a name.

11:15 AM

Blogger Krys said...

...nice song!

4:06 PM

Blogger Paul said...

great band, classic song, indeed:)

5:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But i am Jeremy.

2:58 PM

Blogger Paul said...

I am jeremy, and you are jeremy, Abbas/the girl.

10:38 PM


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