Under the middle eastern section in many prestigious journals, they discuss 2 main topics:
1) Death and destruction in Beirut
2) Prosperity and development in Dubai
Not a long time ago, discussions were taking place on how Beirut is getting closer to competing with Dubai; whether it is through architecture, information technology or the health sector. That was in June, although now it feels it was 20 years ago.
People who pretend that the alliance hizballa/Aoun is "secular" make me want to throw up. This leftist trait is bullshit. The party of "god" or Aoun's continuous reminder to the Christians that they are screwed cannot be more fake than that.
And the sarcastic part is that he thinks he can still become president :/
Someone needs to put it in his little head that his alliance with HA killed the faith and trust people had in him, whether locally or internationally.
2:37 AM
situation sucks here. think that nasrala paved the way 4 more sectarian violence last night w his speech. by being proactive and condemning sectarian violence, can only think that they r planning 4 more (such as more street skirmishes or assassination of a sheikh)and yesterday, they rushed to remove any future blame from themselves. either that or clashes with army or knowing how week our state is, we could witness a qaeda attack on HA. iran and syria's way or making up for the lost battlefield inthe south. could be one form of pressuring the west, sectarian violence along the lines of iraq. aoun lost his compass on the flight from paris. he has downgraded himself to the caliber of wahhab or franjieh.
6:14 AM
kesak boulos.
6:48 PM
AM: Aoun needs psychiatric help, no doubt!
Meeps, my friend, what more can I say...Aoun is worse than Frangyeh and Wahab. We always knew what they were, he is revealing his true self, he is disappointing people who had faith in him and his struggle.
L :)
12:30 AM
Let's paint this on every wall.
Revenge is the fuel for the fires of Hell
thus Satan fears forgiveness
because grace not only quells his flames
it weakens his dominion
Remember: Hatred destroys the vessel that contains it.
2:11 PM
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