I want to be selfish for once. This space is about me. I can talk and think, uninterrupted. Might be of relevance... or maybe not.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Le vagabond éternel

It has not been two years since I did my interviews.
And now I see myself, on the road again. Exploring new options, new places, new people. I might have to leave "everything" (or whatever I have) behind and start all over again.

Le vagabond éternel. Et je sais que je ne suis pas le seul.

As soon as we feel that wherever we are, is starting to become like home, look like home and smell like home, we find ourselves wandering again. As if we are not allowed to stand still, and grow.
And I look around me, and people actually have "the option of going back home", wherever home is. But not for us.

We are doomed, to roam, away from home, family and friends. I want to be myself and live my life. home, where I belong.

Deraciné, jusqu'a quand?


Blogger gitanes legeres said...

i was actually thinking about u earlier. i met a resident in ur class interviewing in ID here. i asked about u. i guess we dont exactly know each other. anyway. if u r coming to cleveland let me know paul.
et tu n'es pas deracine. c'est un voyage la vie.. sans adresse fixe pour l'instant. ca bon, pourvu qu'on arrive a destination..
good luck.

12:49 AM

Blogger Paul said...

Thanks GL, will keep you posted.
Tu as raison, la vie est comme un voyage, mais c'est plutot SanS destination.
On est tous passagers.
et le pilote...on ne le connait pas.

6:29 PM

Blogger Maya@NYC said...

i understand the feeling... very depressing these phases of changes where you feel you live more in your suitcase than in your home... hoping the changes will take you to better places (not that there is anything wrong with Cleveland :) (right GL?:))...

4:52 AM

Blogger Paul said...

Cleveland? more snow & colder than Iowa!
no, thanks!

12:24 AM


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