I want to be selfish for once. This space is about me. I can talk and think, uninterrupted. Might be of relevance... or maybe not.

Monday, March 20, 2006

el general needs some Haldol

I never thought I will be saying this, ever.
He made decisions that no one ever dared to think about. He fought the Syrians, alone, at a time when everybody was spending more time in Damascus than Beirut.
But I guess, becoming president, is making him mad. And that is even worse, because of what he represents. If you were to tell me that Jumblat made 180 degrees (again), I wouldn't be surprised. But Aoun used to represent freedom, consistency and the Lebanese spirit. He used to have thousands of people sleeping in Baabda to protect him. He had the ultimate: he had a human shield, people ready to die for him. Now what? He has a website, a radio and very soon a TV station.

Tueni and Kassir didn't die because of Harriri, Jumblat, Aoun or March 14.
They were killed because such people had a vision for Lebanon. They were pure, devoid from any political aspirations. They died because they represent the future, a hope for a free Lebanon.

I actually still cant believe they are dead.

What started as a comment on Aoun ended up being about Kassir and Tueni. I guess, their death, their loss ( actually our loss) bears more weight than the stupid mundane discussions that are happening nowadays.

It is just unacceptable that people who are from the past are discussing our future.


Blogger Laila K said...

I haven't completely lost hopes for Aoun..at least he hasn't fallen as low as our current leader (check out Ghassan Tueini's newest article http://www.annaharonline.com/htd/GASSAN060320.HTM).
and yes, the gap left by Gibran and Kassir will never be filled.

3:18 PM

Blogger rouba said...

brainwashed last nite? aoun's not being inconsistent it's people who are in their opinions.
but i agree, we need some fresh blood; yalla, shou ba3dak nater?

11:04 PM

Blogger Paul said...

Brainwashed? Me? I am offended! You know me better than that.

I feel that siding now with " the army of god" is not a just a mistake, it is blasphemy.

Not being against Lahoud is blasphemy, blasphemy.
Not being openly againt Syria is blasphemy, blasphemy, blasphemy.
Kaffa ( enough!)

9:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude the thing about aoun is that he is a power monger on some sort of tranquilizers. the concept of sharing seems remote. whereas, his previous allies have all accepted and digested that things need to be done hand in hand, he always seems to have the logic: my way or no other way. i think changing stands is unavoidable at times. we all do it, but the difference about aoun andhis fellow tayyarlings is that they seem to always begin the talk shows they r hosted on by saying we have been the same for 16 yrs, we will not change now. which we can all anyaluze is a bunch of crap. and what he changes towards are sometimes really degrading. from announcing that the hostages the hizbullah detained during the way as people who were not normal people but actually spies all for the sake of a parliament seat in baabda-aley to like u said his lukewarm stand towards syria & lahoud all make him a legible candidate to being the next don quixote. as funny as he is, as narrow minded as he can be. and the role he is playing at this time is not at all welcome. it is not rocket science to say we firmly believe syria sees it in their interest that we remain in this stalemate and state of oblivion and he seems to bargain for every stand he'll take in order to get him a step closer to the presidency which makes u wonder if it we are actually better off with smily lahoud than an underlying neurotic power monger...

5:20 AM

Blogger Laila K said...

very well said!

8:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

now you heard me critisize the absurdity of commenting on your blog..while i can do it at the java house..however,here goes:
1.it is not the first time we, the people of this great land(when we decide to define were it is) kill our great men..do i start with Jesus christ onwards to saadeh..and on to hawi and kasir.. (b3id el shabah of course)
2.Aoun DID (in the good days just b4 kasr el sha3eb) contribute to the decay of tarik el shem..ya3neh akhadit min 2ijro shway..until he was turned down..point in fact only!
3.now finally..Is it the second that this man's alliances turned more east than west-there will always be alliances if you don't wanna call it interferences-is it only that second that he became a lunatic?..ya3neh...delayed(or biased)diagnosis ya hakim..
baladna kheir w jamal

3:51 PM


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