Happy doctors' day!
Today is National Doctors’ day!
Isn't just great?
Maybe today we will have less medicolegal lawsuits, for a change.
Maybe one day, doctors will be less taken for granted.
I want to be selfish for once. This space is about me. I can talk and think, uninterrupted. Might be of relevance... or maybe not.
i for one do not take you guys for granted :)..happy day dr nassar!
8:34 PM
and by za way..my favorite is house..he's the man yo
6:24 AM
maybe one day noone will be taken for granted, why do medical doctors need to be special?
1:05 AM
Do you know what it means to care for someone who is complaining of chest pain, whom you know is infarcting most of his heart, right now, in front of your eyes?
Do you know how to talk to a dying patient?
Do you know how it feels when you look at the monitor and you see a flat line?
Do you know how doctors feel when the patients’ eyes are stuck on them, waiting for what they have to say, or what they think is going on?
Do you know the amount of stress doctors live with everyday?
Do you know what it means when literally someone's life is in your hands?
How would you compare that to someone who does goes to a lab and does research? or an engineer? or a businessman?
11:41 PM
yes I do, it's called doing your job. we all train for our jobs, and get compensated for it. I'm sure you knew what you were getting into beforehand? Sorry I don't want to come across as a jerk, but just because your job involves working on the human body you need to get a grip and get rid of your god complex before it goes out of hand. walla I don't mean to be an ass, I don't know you but you are a friend of friends, and I hear lots of good things about you, but that doesn't change the fact that medicine is just another job, and while some jobs may have millions of dollars at stakes, others have years of research and thinking and hard work at stake, yours have a human life at stake. You need to be mature to deal with it or reassess your line of work. You are really misleading yourself if you think you are more important to society than a researcher or an engineer or a businessman. If it's not you, it's just gonna be someone else, keep that in mind.
12:29 AM
It is doing my job, and I am loving every second of it.
Doctors deal with life and death every day. Certain things they do can easily kill people or make them survive. For me, this is not playing god. God has a wider definition, a bigger job description. You can be a hustler and have more impact on human life. This is not acting god.
Doctors are not superior to other fractions of society, but their job is more critical than most of them. What is a million dollars in front of a human life?
I never complained of medicine, I don’t know where you got that from. All of these instances that I talked about, are what makes medicine so special. Simply, the adrenaline rush that you get when we are working on a critically ill patient, the smile that you get at the end of the day, is more gratifying than anything else in the world.
It might not be easy for you, and I don’t expect you to understand what I am talking about. Maybe one day, if you were to become a patient, you will.
12:06 PM
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