It takes balls
Ok, so what does March 14 have to do now?
They need to move forward, they need to produce some change. They have the momentum, they have popular support, but they haven't done anything about it. And this is very weak from them, and very disappointing.
The way I see it is very simple. Things have been going downhill since Lahoud's term was extended. Things got worse because our president is non-existent on the political and international scene. Moreover, he has given Hizballa the support and protection it needed.
A president is a leader, a role model. We have none.
LAHOUD HAS TO COME DOWN, SIMPLY. Now is the time, now is when everyone is ready to march to Baabda and bring him down. March 14 should have the balls to call for everyone to walk to the presidential palace. What are they afraid of?
INSTEAD, MARCH 8 is taking the initiative and trying to bring the government down. They saw a window of opporunity and they didn't lose it. They hardly waited enough for Gemyal's mourning period to end.
March 14, rise to the expectations. Bring him down.