I want to be selfish for once. This space is about me. I can talk and think, uninterrupted. Might be of relevance... or maybe not.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Save the district of Gemayze from more than 10 residential towers projects!

To some, Gemayze is nothing more than Torino express and Le Rouge. And although these small pubs that flourished on that old straight street gave it a certain flavor and brought it back to Life, Gemayze has much more to offer.
It is a blend of old high ceiled houses, schools, churches and pubs.

This is on-line petition against the building of new towers in that city.

No more cement please. Please preserve what is already there.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Bruce Lee vs Jet Li


Place your bets.
One was a kung fu master. The other one is a Wushu master.
I know where my money is going.

Jet li has revolutionized the martial arts world with wushu expanding to over 55 countries in the last few years. Bruce Lee did the same with kung fu in the 70's and he should be accredited with introducing this fine art to the west.

However, Jet Li's impact goes beyond that. "Hero" and his recent "Fearless", are not just about martial arts. It is about Chinese traditions, amazing scenery, natural beauty and cultural heritage. It is about values, love and hate, instincts and discipline.

Of note, Hero is the best selling Chinese movie. It was re-produced by Quentin Tarantino for the US audience. Fearless, well, I am sure, will beat Hero, by far.

Fearless, unfortunately, might be Jet Li's last martial arts movie. He is 43, after all.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ghassan Tueni for the 2006 Sakharov prize

"I would like to bury here, with him, all forms of hatred and resentment" is what he said as he made his farewell to his son.

Many times children succeed to their fathers.

Except in Lebanon.Where even this natural chains of events is disrupted.

Tribute to the Tueni's.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Aoun - Help

So Aoun should stop using those double standards.

He cannot on the one hand, keep on repeating that the Christians are not well represented (which is actually true) creating more sectarian tension while on the other hand, he is trying to look secular by pleasing Nasralla (especially since the presidential elections are getting closer).

And it is not because a Christian leader cannot get along with Nasralla. But simply because Hezbollah is not "Lebanese". I mean, we should listen to his speech. He thanked el Assad and Ahmadinajad for their support. Thank el Assad? for what? 30 years of assassinations of politicians, kidnapping and torture of political activists?30 years of occupation? (to say the least).

Aoun had balls when everyone had none (now he only has waffles). He launched the liberation war in 1990 against the Syrian occupiers. And now what? He aligns himself with people like Karami and Wahab?
What a major disappointment. Not just for him, as a person, but for the young people around him, those who fought and resisted for 15 years. I don't know how people like Ne3metalla Abi Nasr and Farid el Khazen still stick to him.

It is very ironic that Geagea, a strong believer and fighter for federalism in the late 80's makes more sense than Aoun nowadays. Maybe those 15 years in prison did give him the opportunity to reflect on the civil war.

Friday, September 22, 2006


and I look around, but i can't recognize the faces.
and I turn around and want to hide my traces.

and I want to run, and never come back.
and I lost track... of days and friends.
and it is all black.

outside and inside.

and it rains.

and I wonder.

and then I wander.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Les femmes, c'est comme les poupees russes.

Xavier est de retour. Et il a peut etre raison.
On passe sa vie a chercher la femme ideale. Et quand on la trouve, on se demande si c'est sa l'amour. Avec un grand A. Et au fait, c'est quoi l'amour?est-ce ce qu'on lit dans les bouquins ou qu'on voit dans les films?
Les femmes, c'est comme les poupees russes. On entasse l'une apres l'autre en se demandant si c'est elle la derniere...et on ne saura jamais.

Captain, you were right. It was a great movie!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Bachir Gemayel. Nov 10, 1947- Sep 14, 1982.
It has been 24 years ya bach.

"Lebanon First" and "not less than 10452". Where are we from that?

Born in bifkaya, BG was the son of Pierre gemayel, founder of the Phalanges party.
He completed his education at "L'institut moderne" and graduated from "L'universite St Joseph" with degrees in Law and political science. He joined the bar association in Texas in 1973.
He created the Lebanese forces which became the military branch of the phalanges party.
He led the LF during the 100 day war. As the name implies, the Syrian army closed off and bombarded ashrafieh non stop for 100 days. He also led the LF for close to a year when again, the Syrian army closed off Zahle.
He became head of the military activities for the phalanges when William Hawi was killed in Tel el Zaatar.
He was abducted by the Palestinian PLO, and then released. An event that impacted his political ideas.
His first child, Maya, was killed in 1980 in a car bomb that targeted him. He was killed during a regular session at the HQ of the phalanges at Saifi-Ashrafieh, along with 26 other members. The perpetrator, Habib Shartouni was a member of the Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party. He was set free in 1990 when the Syrian army invaded Baabda to dethrone Aoun. He was occasionally seen walking free in Ashrafieh.
He was elected president in one of the closest votes for a Lebanese president. Which was to be expected with all the political divisions at that time.
He is survived by his wife, Solange toutounji-gemayel (who unfortunately was elected to the parliament 2 years ago), his son Nadim (a local political activist) and his daughter youmna.
A charismatic leader and a staunch believer in Lebanon.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Ignorance is NOT bliss

According to a recent CNN poll, more than 50% of the US population think that Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the 9/11 attacks.

Doesn't that leave you speechless? I mean, after all that has happened, shouldn't people be reading more and be more politically aware of what is happening around the world? But then again, maybe following up on Tom Cruise's kid and J Lo's love life are more important.

This is PURE IGNORANCE, to say the least.

It leaves me speechless. What a grim future for this world.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Les retrouvailles, avec Yann.

Amelie poulain, en tant que film, te fait vivre dans un reve.

Un reve ou tout le monde est beau, le ciel est bleu, et des gens comme Amelie font tout pour que les gens soient heureux.

5 ans apres avoir vu ce film pour la premiere fois, et grace a la musique, je n'arrive toujours pas a oublier certaines scenes. Yann, un expert en ce qu'on appelle "film score" a reussi a capturer toutes les emotions du film en musique. En ecoutant aujourd'hui la band originale du film, j'arrive a visualiser Amelie courant avec un grand sourire sur son visage.
Et ca ne s'arrete pas la. La musique de Goodbye lenin est beaucoup mieux que ca. Les differents tons du film; l'amour, la joie et la tristesse sont transformes en notes de piano. Juste un piano. Et c'est un vrain succes
Les retrouvailles, son dernier album ne decoit pas. Au fait, en l'ecoutant, tu te sens dans un film. Un film a la Hollywood ou on est tous epanouis et radieux.
Tu peux l'appeller de la "cheap thrill" mais ca marche; mieux qu'autres choses.
ca marche; pour mois au moins (et c'est suffisant).

Merci Yann.

Friday, September 01, 2006


(January 6, 1946 – July 7, 2006)

"A genius is a person with distinguished mental abilities".
And Syd Barret was definitely such a guy. You can't help but draw a resemblance to pink, the wall's main character. and this is no surprise.
Syd, a great inspirational musician, started what came down in history as one of the best bands of all time, Pink Floyd.
It is no wonder that they dedicated a whole album just for him, the crazy diamond. and we wish he was still here.

PS: He passed away during the craziness of last month, so I saved this until the tribute does not go unnoticed.