I want to be selfish for once. This space is about me. I can talk and think, uninterrupted. Might be of relevance... or maybe not.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


We go through different phases of growth in life.

Adolescence is characterized by social interaction and personality changes. We become defiant, we question all that we have learned. We are opposed to figures of authority. We want to be different, no matter what. Luckily, we outgrow it.

Elderly, once they hit a certain age, go backwards. They become more demanding, requiring more attention. I am sure you have noticed it within your own family. In a way, they become like kids. You can blame it on Alzheimer's disease.

Do you remember pipo? the character from S.L.Chi? well, he is the young version of Aoun.

I feel Aoun is either:
1) stuck at one of the early stages of psychosocial development (Freud would have been amazed with such a rare regressive model).


2) has an advanced form of dementia. An elderly, acting more childish than any kid.

He insists on being in the opposition, no matter what. Luckily, he chose the right camp in 1989 (although now, his real initial intentions are becoming questionable) . He should have noticed that things were different in 2006, in the opposition camp.
He loves being the victim. Just reading his website, it is all about: Lebanese forces did this for me, or the government did that for me.

I mean, come on man, get a f%@$ grip. Grow up.or quit.

(I am in no way, holding him responsible for what has happened over the last few days. That would be giving him too much credit. which he does not deserve. he is a puppet. and a bad one. pas plus).

Not too long ago

We spend hours discussing politics.
I think this 13 min documentary is worth it.

Reminds us of how things were, not too long ago.
And how we were able to rise, live and love what we have become. and cherish what we have.

Maybe then, we will not live the war again.

"it's about time"

Friday, January 12, 2007

Deep sleep

Taken from Al-anwar.

Did the Lebanese judiciary system just wake up? or is this a gift? to smooth the moods?
4-0 for the Gemayel family is a bit too much, maybe? Pierre's case, diluted among 15 other unfortunate, Maya and Aswad, taken away by the late social parasite known as Arafat. At least Bachir, then.

For the record, Habib Tannous el Chartouni (from the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, SSNP) admitted putting the bomb in Kataeb HQ in Saifi on September 14, 1982. He was freed by the syrians around October 13, 1990 from Roumieh Jail after they invaded Baabda.

وفي خطوة ملفتة، امهل رئيس المجلس العدلي في لبنان القاضي انطوان خير المتهمين باغتيال الشيخ بشير الجميل عام 1982 لتسليم انفسهم الى المجلس في مقره في قصر العدل في بيروت، في مهلة اقصاها اربعا وعشرين ساعة قبل موعد الاستجواب التمهيدي الذي تحدد يوم الخميس في 1/2/2007 ، الساعة العاشرة صباحا.
وتشمل المهلة المتهم الرئيسي حبيب طانيوس الشرتوني (1958) المنسوب اليه تنفيذ الاغتيال بواسطة التفجير، والمتهم نبيل فرج العلم(1945) المنسوب اليه التحريض والاشتراك بالجريمة.
وقال قرار صادر عن القاضي خير، انه في حال تمنع المتهم عن تسليم نفسه ضمن المهلة المقررة، يصار الى اعتباره فارا من وجه العدالة، وتقرير انفاذ مذكرة القاء القبض الصادرة بحقه بالاضافة الى التدابير الاخرى المنصوص عنها بموجب القانون

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Is he serious?

I am saying "is he" and not "are they" because, at this stage, it should be clear to everyone that Aoun has single handedly taken many of FPM's decisions. However, this is not the point.

What's wrong with the colors? I mean, Aoun (who should be elected Man of the year, by far and for all the great alignments and enemies he has made along the way), is not gay, right? or maybe he "shot the sheriff"? and did Nasralla see those? I am not sure he would agree. But then again, it is not clear who is what in this frail front called opposition. Maybe it is time for Aoun to grow up, act like a responsible politician, like a leader and stop squirming around in this puddle of mud (to say the least) called opposition.

Monday, January 08, 2007


She sits and wonders. about life, when life should be fun and simple.

She shrug her shoulders, as she walked away. aimlessly.
She nodded, she agreed. not to people, but to herself and to her misery.
She smiled. not because of happiness but to feel she belongs. where she never did.
and she lies to herself, and to others.
She took a deep breath. a sigh to keep her tears away.

She talked, but no one would listen.and who would or should?
Silence but she could hear, her own footsteps. and voices, in her head.
She wrestled with her thoughts and illusions to get herself to bed.

..but life should be fun and simple.

and she realizes that every day that passes away, like that, is a lost day.
and she cannot tolerate more losses.

and she thinks tomorrow will be a brighter day. but she can't see.

She is Jeremy, and she likes Pearl Jam.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

fitter happier more productive

No one is better than Tom York in summarizing what the new year's resolutions should be.
Taken from "Ok computer", track #7, fitter happier and yes more productive. Same resolutions, over and over again, year after year.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Blurry Chic-A-Go

Dead silence after a storm.
Post orgasmic chill.
Black after white.

Loneliness, with people.
Alcohol, to fool yourself.

Search, but still lost

Happy New year.