I want to be selfish for once. This space is about me. I can talk and think, uninterrupted. Might be of relevance... or maybe not.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

April 13

31 years ago...
200000 dead at least.
people vanished, mutilated forever, eternal reminder of the atrocities of war. And not any war, a civil war.
Beyrouth destroyed again and again.
...blood, bombs, destruction, agony, despair, death...

It seems that despite all of that, we still have much more to learn.

We have not agreed on a single definition for Lebanon, and that is at the origin or the problem.

And let's be honest. What I was raised on, since I was born, all the hatred that I have inside for those who favored other causes to Lebanon, I may not be ready to forget, yet. I don't know how much that will take, or what it would take. I don't know how to distance myself from what my parents taught me, from my small narrow minded community. I want to be free from everything that is keeping my behind. I want to break all the chains that prevent from moving forward.

I feel worse than an animal. I have a mind, I can think. I follow my instincts instead.

No matter how we feel about that, dissecting the problem to the smallest detail, sectarianism seems to be the biggest downfall to human civilization. And we are a living proof of that.


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