1 objective
We should not forget what our objectives are.
As much as finding out who killed the 14+politicians/journalists & 40+innocent civilians is important. No wait, let me rephrase that. As much as proving that the Syrians are behind most of the murders over the last 30 years, there is something bigger than the international tribune. It is called Lebanon.
Although the international tribune remains an objective we would like to achieve, there is something more urgent that needs to be taken care of. It is a threat to the freedom, independence and democracy of Lebanon. It is parasite, a blood sucker. It is called Hizballa.
While people are debating whether the best formula is 20-10 or 19-10-1 or whatever combination you like, this "party of god" (God please help his god) is piling up weapons. and don't be surprised if Israel decides to strike again, destroy again and kill again. What we can do to prevent that is to disarm Hizballa and send Nasralla to Iran, or maybe Syria (although I am sure el Assad would not welcome him).
They are manipulating us like pieces of chess. We are lost in a bottomless abyss.
We need to wake up and re-focus.
We should look at the bigger picture.
They are the real threat.
They are gaining time and time is not on our side.